Yulia Ridchenko
Strategy director
Yulia has 9 years of experience in project management and team management that includes coordinating remote teams. She has worked in communications and IT as well as managed her own business project. At 280 Days Yulia is responsible for strategic planning, project concept development and international relations with partners.

"I have decided to join the Fund the very moment I heard about its mission. Healthy pregnancy that culminates in the birth of a healthy baby is the cornerstone of a healthy life that affects the whole family. I am delighted that I have a chance to use my experience and skills to advance the cause I believe to be a priority".

Yulia is a fan of literature, photography and fitness. She is raising a young daughter. She speaks English, Russian and German. Yulia holds an MA in Political Sciences (NaUKMA, KNU), she studied Philosophy and the History of Arts at Bard College Berlin.

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