"Warm Tuesday" results: 752 families will receive warm things for babies
The results of "Warm Tuesday", a social project to support newborn Ukrainians, are warming!
In the end of 2022, we've collected UAH 1,232,566 so 500 Ukrainian babies born in winter could receive warm packages. These results exceeded all expectations, because after discounts received from suppliers (thank you!) 752 packages were purchased, so another 252 children will feel the warmth of our support!

The first 130 mothers have already received the promised warmth for their little ones (blankets, insulated suits, hats and envelopes for strollers). Now the team of the 280 Days Charity Fund is happily working to help warming things find their ways to tiny recipients.

Thanks for the support to all the initiatives that participated. Particularly to those who put a lot of effort into creating the "Alphabet of Ukrainian Regions": Ivan Honchar Museum, Youth History Project "Public History!", RID Project, Volyn Local Lore Museum, Ivano-Frankivsk Museum of Local Lore, Uzhhorod Skansen, Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Semiyarusna Gora, SHTUKA, Tsvitana Horobivska.

And we also thank everyone who shared information about the fundraising event and warmth for babies. Together we can do more!

Organizers of the initiative: bekind.ua crowdfunding platform and the Giving Tuesday movement, together with the 280 Days Charity Fund.

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