The innovative Firefly phototherapy lamp is already saving the lives of newborns in Ukraine

According to world statistics, jaundice is the cause of 5-10% of deaths in babies, although it is treated with ordinary blue light.
Usually, lamps for phototherapy, which are used in maternity hospitals Are:

  • Heavy and bulky
  • Require qualified personnel to operate
  • Require a prolonged stay of a baby under the lamp
  • Suffer in common misuse of equipment (such as several babies being placed under the same lamp), leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment

Unlike traditional phototherapy lamps, the Firefly device developed by Design that Matters looks like a table lamp:

  • It has a simple design and is easy to transport
  • Easy to use - "hard to use wrong"
  • Much more effective than conventional phototherapy lamps. Because Firefly emits light from above and below, it reduces treatment time by at least 40% compared to state-of-the-art single-sided LED phototherapy
  • Energy efficient. Firefly operates on just 30 watts, which is up to 70% less than other conventional phototherapy systems

For Ukraine such devices are very relevant because the mobility of equipment and the possibility of its use regardless of the level of medical staff qualification and the availability of electricity are especially important during the war.

That is why, thanks to benefactors, we were able to bring Firefly to Ukraine and transfer it to the maternity hospital in Nizhyn. The doctors of Nizhyn Maternity Hospital are delighted with the device and say that they had only heard about such equipment before and could not believe that they would one day be able to use it in their institution.

Now we are working on increasing the number of these innovative lamps in maternity hospitals in Ukraine. And you can help us! Make a charitable contribution of any comfortable amount and we will make sure that the necessary Firefly light is delivered to newborns all over Ukraine.

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